The Mind Is Everything

Even 2500 years ago, one man and his followers believed undeniably that the mind conquers all. I once took an Eastern Civilization class where I found myself connected to the Buddha’s ideas and ways of living. I had always known that when I was sad, it was because I was allowing myself to be sad and when I was happy it was because I was responding to something that made me happy. It has always been easier to be happy than to be sad or troubled. I think that’s true for all of us. Even 2500 years ago, one man and his followers believed undeniably that the mind conquers all. I once took an Eastern Civilization class where I found myself connected to the Buddha’s ideas and ways of living. I had always known that when I was sad, it was because I was allowing myself to be sad and when I was happy it was because I was responding to something that made me happy. It has always been easier to be happy than to be sad or troubled. I think that’s true for all of us.

Buddha believed every living being has the same basic wish – to avoid suffering. As we have evolved as humans, it seems we have gone in the direction of seeking happiness in external sources, rather than looking inward. We look to our high status jobs, money, dream houses, fancy cars, pretty clothes, cool friends, big trips, good food and ever-striving beautiful appearances as a means of being happy. These things are material and temporary.

Written by Ashley Johns

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